Emmaus International

Après avoir pris connaissance de la décision judiciaire d’expulsion du Centre de Formation Paulo Freire à Caruaru (Pernambuco), la Fédération Emmaüs Brésil, représentant les dix groupes d’Emmaüs au Brésil, dénonce cette mesure et se solidarise publiquement avec le Movimento dos Sem Terra (Mouvement des sans-terre), qui réalise dans ce centre un travail social de la plus grande pertinence.

Il s'agit là d'une nouvelle démonstration de l'attaque du gouvernement actuel contre les mouvements sociaux qui luttent pour les droits fondamentaux des personnes.
Depuis 1998, le Centre de Formation Paulo Freire a favorisé la formation de milliers de personnes, renforçant l’économie brésilienne par l'agriculture familiale, contribuant ainsi concrètement à la paix sociale et environnementale.

Le Centre a toujours été orienté vers l'éducation populaire, la formation des enseignants et des coordinateurs, en particulier dans la tâche fondamentale de la transition vers l'agroécologie.
Nous exprimons toute notre Solidarité avec le MST et avec tous ceux qui luttent pour la démocratie et la promotion humaine dans ce pays.

Fédération Emmaüs Brésil
Le 8 septembre 2019

Participez à la mobilisation contre cette décision ! Vous pouvez signer et envoyer une lettre de protestation (voir ci-dessous, en anglais) :

Urgent action against the eviction of Paulo Freire Training Center - MST

Last September 5th, we received an eviction order for the Paulo Freire Training Center - CFPF, located at Normandia Settlement, in Caruaru - PE.
The deadline for the fulfillment of the eviction order is September 19.

Thus, the MST is calling on all to send the letter below, demanding that the eviction order is reversed immediately.

Letters must be sent before September 19 to:

INCRA Regional Superintendece - Recife:
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Governor of the State of Pernambuco
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Judge Tiago Antunes de Aguiar of 24th Federal Court of Caruaru
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The Paulo Freire Training Center is ours!


To: Judge Tiago Antunes de Aguiar of 24th Federal Court of Caruaru
Mr. Marcos Campos – Regional Superintendent of INCRA
Mr. Paulo Câmara – Governor of the State of Pernambuco

It has come to our attention, the notice of action of repossession for the Paulo Freire Training Center in the Normandia Settlement in the city of Carauru, PE.

Given the history and importance of the Center, this is of deep concern even internationally. For this reason, we are contacting you to demand a reconsideration of this decision.

The Paulo Freire Training Center was established in 1998 under the auspices of INCRA and has through all of these years followed the guidelines established by INCRA. Under the advice of INCRA, the land for the training center was donated by the Normandia Settlement to be used collectively for training of residents of Pernambuco and has been used since then for these purposes.

Substantial funds and labor have been invested in developing the training center, including the construction of an auditorium, dormitories, classrooms, telecommunications center, youth center, sports center, daycare facilities, a kitchen and cafeteria.

The Paulo Freire Training Center now serves not only Pernambuco, but the entire northeast of Brazil providing courses in agro-ecology and, in conjunction with various universities, classes in geography, veterinarian training, education, environmental health and safety, health education and many other courses. The center is unquestionably a valuable resource for the entire region and its closure would be a terrible loss for everyone who values education and the development of people of the countryside.

Several international delegations have visited the Center, and people from many different countries have participated in training courses provided by the Center.

We consider the proposed action with regard to the Paulo Freire Training Center an injustice and an affront to all those who have labored to build a better life for the people of the Northeast. There is no basis in a system of justice that would allow this eviction to occur.

We, therefore, respectfully demand that the eviction order be rescinded immediately.

Signed: {Add your name, name of your organization (optional), state and country, and date}