Emmaus International

A collective threat requires solidarity, not private profiteering. This is why Emmaus International is joining the European Citizens' Initiative Right to Cure.

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We all have a right to health. Yet, today, big pharmaceutical companies are putting humanity at risk by monopolising their research, curbing production and increasing the price of vaccines. As a result, 90% of people in the lowest income countries are unlikely to receive a vaccine in the next year. Taxpayers paid for the research and development of vaccines and treatments. We cannot allow these big pharmaceutical companies to privatise crucial health technologies.

To prevent this, a broad European coalition of trade unions, NGOs and associations, student movements and health experts have launched a European Citizens' Initiative. Its aim is to call on the European Commission to take action to make vaccines and pandemic treatments a global public good, freely accessible to all and protected from private profiteering! One million European citizens’ signatures are required to put forward this specific legislation: please share this petition!

Click here to find out more about the initiative and to sign the petition: noprofitonpandemic.eu/