Emmaus International

Bolton companions Chris Hilton Brett Wyles and John Sell 131217

Derby Barracks
Fletcher Street
Bolton BL3 6NF
United Kingdom

+44 (0)1204 39 80 56
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Emmaus Bolton was founded in 2000 and in 2005 the community bought an old building that the companions renovated themselves. The building – Derby Barracks – is a former territorial army barracks and is now home to the group’s 22 companions. In the first second-hand shop located close to Derby Barracks, the companions do traditional Emmaus community work: collecting, sorting, repairing and reselling donated goods at affordable prices. Emmaus Bolton runs two other second-hand stores, including Merry-Go-Round, which specialises in collecting and selling goods for children (clothing, toys, pushchairs, children's cars etc). The group also sorts and recycles cardboard, plastic, glass, metal, ink cartridges and mobile phones. Finally, companions wishing to enhance their vocational skills can take part in training arranged by Emmaus Bolton.

key figures


  • 22 companions
  • 3 second-hand shops
areas of activity


  • Accommodation and support
  • Recycling and reuse




thumb Bolton companion Andrew Hollidge  131217 thumb Bolton companion Paul Henry Westcott 131217
thumb Bolton companion support manager Nicola Rudnick 131217 thumb Bolton companions Chris Hilton Brett Wyles and John Sell 131217
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