Emmaus International

La Chaux de Fonds 4

La Joux-Perret 8
La-Chaux-de-Fonds  NE

+41 (0)32 968 42 02
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The Emmaus La Chaux-de-Fonds community, located in the Jura mountains, is made up of 20 companions and is supported by 30 volunteers. Together, they carry out the traditional work of an Emmaus community: collecting, sorting, repairing and reselling used goods at low prices. They also look after a small vegetable patch, produce honey and raise poultry. Using funds raised from these activities, the group is able to carry out work in the community, helping the least privileged families in the region in particular. Three times a week, food is given out to 1,250 families and individuals facing hardship. Some of the second-hand goods collected are sent straight to Emmaus groups in Poland and Ukraine. The group also helped to set up the Emmaus Rzeszów community (Poland) and was one of the driving forces behind a hostel being set up in Lviv (Ukraine), in collaboration with the Emmaus Oselya community (also Ukraine).

key figures


  • 20 companions
  • 30 volunteers
  • 200 tons of material sent to organisations and families in need every year
areas of activity


  • Housing
  • Recycling and reuse
  • Farming




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La Chaux de Fonds 4
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