Emmaus International

key figures
  • Total solidarity sales proceeds in 2016: €577,652
  • 200 organisations ran a solidarity sale in 2015

Once a year, member organisations each run a solidarity sale to raise resources for the Emmaus movement’s international solidarity initiatives: projects, shipping containers and emergency relief.

They can organise a regular kind of sale over a full day, or a different, special kind of sale.

For the past 15 years, Emmaus organisations in Europe have also taken part in the “Paris salon”, an enormous shabby-chic jumble sale. In addition to member organisations’ individual solidarity sales, Emmaus organisations from across Europe sell goods at the Paris salon to raise resources for the solidarity initiatives.

Member organisations do as much as they can for international solidarity. The resources are then pooled and redistributed within the movement using a collaborative and transparent system, the aim being to encourage collective action.


The Paris salon

Every year at the end of June, the Paris salon brings together around a hundred Emmaus organisations from across France and the rest of Europe. All through the year, they set aside goods to sell at this gigantic shabby-chic jumble sale. Around 20,000 visitors come to lend their support and custom and discover the sheer scale of the Emmaus movement. The proceeds are used to pay for the movement’s international solidarity initiatives. In 2014, they were used for Emmaus organisations’ projects promoting ethical finance and the social economy – one of Emmaus International's six priority areas. 


save the date


  • June 25th 2017 :
    Emmaus salon, Porte de Versailles, Paris
  • June 2017 :
    Annual solidarity sale run at the same time by most Emmaus organisations around the world.