Emmaus International

Across the globe Emmaus' member groups imagine and establish economic solutions which are adapted to local needs and contexts. These solutions are aimed at sharing human, material and financial wealth, providing true solidarity (local, regional and international) and enabling access to fundamental rights.
economie principe actions

Our Guiding Principles

  • Supporting the groups’ economic, social and democratic initiatives
  • Developing economic activities which respect producers
  • Prioritising the most vulnerable and seeking empowerment for all
  • Finding solutions which help people gain access to adapted credit schemes which offer economic opportunities but don’t worsen the situation of the most fragile
  • Helping the most excluded create their own solutions to win back their fundamental rights
  • Combatting inequality and reinforcing gender equality in all our initiatives
  • Sharing about our practices and our experiences
  • Showing by example that a fairer world is possible and that the economy can be used to benefit both human beings and nature


economie groupe developpement

The groups run many activities which are linked to this struggle:

Collecting and embellishing second-hand furniture, objects and clothes, short-circuit agricultural production, services such as call shops and Internet cafes, ecotourism, craftwork linked to 'Fair Trade' circuits, microcredit, etc.