Emmaus International

thumb TOHOUE Rammassage ordures

Djrèrègbé, Sèmè-Podji
BP 492 Porto Novo

+229 20 24 67 20
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The first Emmaus organisation set up in Benin, the Tohouè community is located on two sites near Porto Novo.

Around fifteen companions work and live at Tohouè. Their activities range from market gardening to farming pigs, rabbits and cattle. The community also has reception and accommodation facilities there and runs training on compost making and usage. Eight companions also use a tractor and trailer to collect waste, which is sorted and made into compost. They can all also follow IT training for beginners.

On the Pobè site, a social enterprise trains young people to produce palm oil, which is then sold. In order to develop its activities, the community sells goods received by containers sent by European groups. It also lets accommodation and meeting rooms at its Tohouè site.

Key figures


  • 26 companions 
  • a total of 37 hectares of farming land
  • 6 employees
  • 50 members
  • 30 seasonal employees
Areas of activity


  • Agriculture
  • Training
  • Housing




thumb TOHOUE DSCN2823 thumb TOHOUE IMG 0028
thumb TOHOUE Usine production huile palme thumb TOHOUE DSCN2832
thumb TOHOUE Rammassage ordures  
other emmaus organisations in this country: