Emmaus International

Coventry 4

The Old Vicarage
Brinklow Road
Coventry CV3 2DT
United Kingdom

+44 (0)247 665 10 94
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In 1993, Emmaus Coventry acquired and then restored the Old Vicarage, a 17th century building, which the community uses for accommodation. The community’s other building, St Columba’s Close, is in Coventry town centre. The 25 companions at the community carry out the usual activities of Emmaus communities: collecting, sorting, repairing and selling goods at low prices at two different second-hand shops in Coventry and Nuneaton. Emmaus Coventry provides gardening services for the wider community and the companions also tend gardens near the Old Vicarage.

key figures


  • 25 companions
  • 2 second-hand shops
  • 2 accommodation sites
areas of activity


  • Housing
  • Recycling and reuse




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thumb Coventry 3 thumb Coventry 4
thumb Coventry companions Adam McGowan left Hassab Adem 131122  
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