Emmaus International

Prinsegracht 5

Prinsegracht 36
NL-2512 GA Den Haag

+31 (0)70 363 92 73
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Emmaus Prinsegracht is a community providing accommodation and work, situated in the Hague. The group’s accommodation is in an old building – a former convent – which was restored in order to house the companions. The second-hand shop is on the ground floor, and the workshops and accommodation are on the first floor. In partnership with other organisations, Emmaus Prinsegracht opens its doors for short periods on a regular basis to women who have fallen victim to human trafficking. With help from 14 volunteers, the 8 companions carry out the traditional work of Emmaus communities: collecting, sorting, repairing and selling goods at low prices.

key figures


  • 8 companions
  • 14 volunteers
  • 1 second-hand shop
areas of activity


  • Shelter and housing
  • Recycling and reuse
  • Fighting human trafficking.




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