Emmaus International

thumb Mendoza 2

Barrio San Martín
Manzana "U" - Casa "2"
5500 Mendoza

+54 26 14441064
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15 companions live and work in the Emmaus Mendoza community, which is mostly involved with collecting used goods to be recycled or sold in its second-hand goods shop. The group has agreements with local institutions which allow it to collect their recyclable materials (paper, cardboard, glass) and to sell them on to recycling companies.

Emmaus Mendoza also works to raise awareness of the importance of recycling in the local community. In addition, close to the second-hand goods shop, companions tend a vegetable patch, which helps to feed the community.

The Emmaus Mendoza companions carry out other activities such as providing learning support for 70 children and giving these children a daily snack. Finally, the group has a small consultation room in case of medical emergencies.

Key figures


  • 15 companions
  • 70 children attend the school and the canteen
Areas of activity


  • Recycling and reuse
  • Housing
  • Education




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