Emmaus International

thumb Lambayeque 4

Avenida Carlos Sutton 564

+ 51 74 28 38 10
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Emmaus Lambayeque is a civil society organisation, bringing together volunteers. It is based in the city of Lambayeque, on the northern coast of Peru.

Its companions carry out the traditional work of an Emmaus community: collecting, sorting, repairing and reselling used goods at low prices. Indeed, the community organises 25 collections of used goods every week, and often asks large businesses such as department stores to donate goods to be sold in its shop, which is open every Saturday.

Emmaus Lambayeque is also involved in educating young people about the environment, at local schools and colleges. Finally, the possibility of protecting the culture and the heritage of the Moche civilisation (a pre-Colombian civilisation based in this part of Peru) by producing traditional ceramic wares to be sold to tourists at museums is currently being considered.

Institutional data (in Spanish)

Key figures


  • 25 collections per week
  • 1 companion living on the premises and 8 more in the town
Areas of activity


  • Recycling and reuse
  • Education




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thumb Lambayeque 4
other emmaus organisations in this country:


material produced by Emmaus Lambayeque:


Flyer - January 2012