Emmaus International

thumb CPSS 3

BP 7599

+237 99 36 32 06
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There are 10 staff members and a few temporary staff working at the group’s farm in Mom Dibang. Four of them tend the henhouse and pigsty and the others are assisted by the local population with their work on the palm grove and are in charge of palm oil production.

CPSS (Centre for the Promotion of Health and Social Care – Centre de promotion sanitaire et sociale in French) runs a health centre which employs a nurse who provides consultations, first aid and assists at births.

People from 27 villages use the group’s health centre as there is no operational public hospital. CPSS also finds orphans, provides them with schooling and covers their registration fees. The group supports village schools by donating equipment and awarding prizes to good pupils.

Lastly, CPSS lends microcredit loans to groups of women, manages drinking water conveyance, is partnered with an organisation promoting work for the blind and another organisation of 40 women which aims to eradicate hunger.

Key figures


  • 10 staff members and 15 volunteers
  • 27 villages served by the health centre
Areas of activity


  • Education
  • Agriculture
  • Health




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