Emmaus International


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A Financialised Economy

The financialisation of life is currently one of the major causes of poverty and extreme poverty.
This means that the real economy is pushed aside and the priority is getting maximum yield from capital.
In 2012 only 5% of all financial transactions across the globe were of real goods or services.


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Political and Economic Power Removed from the People

Throughout the world, decision-making power has not only been removed from politicians, but also from the people, who are almost always subject to decisions which are mainly guided by the interests of multinationals and financial powers who dictate the rules of the market (structural adjustment plans, privatisation of natural resources and access to basic services, etc.).


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Persistent Inequality between Men and Women

  • Only 1% of global farm land is owned by women
  • One in three women will be subjected to sexist violence at least once in their lives.
  • This national and global patriarchy prevents women from accessing their fundamental rights.


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Right to Food Crushed by the Agro-Industry

The global farming model is on its last legs:
  • A handful of large international groups control land, seeds and investments
  • They take away peasants’ means of survival and drown them in leftovers
  • Leftovers in certain countries prevent the emergence of quality local consumption circuits
  • The environmental impact of industrial farming are devastating: massive pollution, diseases, destruction of soil and 1/4 of the global emissions of CO2


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A Climate/Environmental Situation that is Getting Worse and is Making Things Worse for Us

The planet is on its last legs:
  • Global warming, exhaustion of natural resources, intensive mining, deforestation, loss of biodiversity and sometimes-irreversible damage to our ecosystems
  • Increasing greenhouse gas emissions: temperatures are predicted to rise between 2 and 4°C by 2100, water levels will rise by a meter, on average, and 2/3 of the plant and animal species that are alive today will become extinct
  • Certain regions are clearly threatened, some have already been affected
  • Unsustainable methods of production and consumption led by a minority exclude the most fragile and make them pay a heavy price when climate catastrophes strike or when they suffer from deadly agricultural or industrial pollution


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Right to Social Protection Denied

Right to a decent life, right to health, etc.
  • Currently, barely a quarter of the global population (27%) has access to full social protection
  • Only 39.4% of the active global population has guaranteed income in case of accidents at work


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Right to Education Flouted

Structural adjustment programmes and austerity programmes have led states to reducing the resources allocated to public education and have led to education becoming privatised or merchandised, denying the poorest access to this fundamental right.
  • In 2011 almost 60 million children in the world were not in school
  • Millions of children are forced to work