Emmaus International


The daily work led by the Emmaus groups shows that migrations enrich our societies.

We offer unconditional welcome, no matter the journey, history, origin, beliefs or situation the person has experienced.
This commitment to freedom of movement doesn't stop the Emmaus groups from working to help those who wish to stay in their local area/place of origin to do so and to build a dignified life there.
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Our Guiding Principles

  • Being tolerant and fighting all forms of discrimination
  • Striving to achieve respect for human rights and justice
  • Promoting education and culture, living together and raising awareness
  • Celebrating diversity, not judging people, accepting others
  • Putting democracy into practice by mobilising citizens
  • Active resolving of conflicts through dialogue


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Our Solidarity Duty

The groups lead many initiatives in contexts where they are considered a crime and this can thus represent a risk for our members: helping people learn how to live a community life and manage things collectively, mediating with society and the community, resolving conflicts between and within communities, ensuring access to rights and social support, integration thanks to work, protection in emergency situations, welcoming child soldiers, etc.
The groups commit to educating people about peace and living together as well as leading advocacy action aimed at the local and national authorities. The groups also lead awareness raising activities with the local populations about the risks migrants face on their journeys...