Emmaus International

“Violence is about much more than just physical damage, there is also violence in well-established, existing situations when people refuse to question, refuse to change.”
Abbé Pierre, conference in Poitiers, 14 April 1975


paix valeur dans les pas

In the Footsteps of Abbé Pierre…

Abbé Pierre declared himself to be a citizen of the world in 1948 and committed himself to internationalist, pacifist movements. He participated in calls for nuclear disarmament. He promoted an international civil service and conscientious objection as an alternative to military service. During the Bosnian War, he publicly denounced States’ inaction in the face of the massacres that were being perpetrated. He fought alongside undocumented people in France, in support of those who were denied asylum.


paix nos valeurs

Our Values

  • The principle of offering unconditional welcome and support
  • Living together and valuing knowledge
  • Serving first those who suffer most
  • The most excluded as a force for change and solidarity