Emmaus International


Via Carlo Porta, 34
I-22036 Erba (CO)

+39 (0)31 335 50 49
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In the Emmaus Erba community, 10 companions and 27 volunteers work together to do traditional Emmaus community work: collecting, sorting, repairing and reselling used goods at low prices in a second-hand goods shop which is open on Wednesday afternoons and all day on Saturdays.

In order to supply its second-hand shop, the Emmaus Erba community has 2 vans, which go out to collect all sorts of goods 5 days a week.

key figures


  • 10 companions
  • 27 employees
  • 2 vans
areas of activity


  • Housing
  • Recycling and reuse
Other emmaus organisations in this country: