Emmaus International

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Sector 3, Grupo 28, Manzana "E", Lote 22
Villa el Salvador

+51 1 493 2914
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The working community at Villa el Salvador, which comprises 20 relatively young companions, is mostly involved in selling second-hand goods and recycling. Using their van, companions collect second-hand goods and recyclable materials which have been donated or which they have found in the street. They repair these goods, if necessary, then sell them at low prices every Thursday and Saturday at their second-hand goods shop.

They regularly hold special sales, with even lower prices, for the least privileged, and they made donations to families and organisations in need. Furthermore, Emmaus Villa el Salvador offers a range of training (Emmaus values, management, teamwork, etc.) to its companions, some of whom are illiterate. In addition, the group provides support for 40 children aged 3-12. Three afternoons a week, these children receive personalised support and are given a meal after their classes. Three of the group's companions are responsible for this care.

Key figures


  • 20 companions
  • 1 van
  • 40 children receiving personalised support
Areas of activity


  • Recycling and reuse
  • Education




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