Emmaus International


Excluded populations must become organised and resist policies of dispossession of natural resources, land grabbing and privatisation of common goods, which make their extremely precarious situations even worse.


justice combats

Emmaus fights beside them to:

  • Create citizen and political awareness regarding our current social, environmental and moral crises
  • Build and protect a sustainable world for future generations which guarantees social rights for all without using more resources than the planet can replenish.
  • Democratise the public decision-making systems so that those who are excluded are placed at the centre of the solutions and policies that we propose.
  • True climate justice: fair access to natural resources with the people having sovereignty over these resources to ensure that they are not privatised. Civil and penal liability for states and any other economic stakeholders who cause degradation, pollution or rights violations.
  • Food sovereignty and agro-ecology, which respect the right to healthy and culturally-appropriate food, produced using sustainable methods