Emmaus International

thumb AFA PICT0050

BP 19

+229 96 14 75 99
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AFA (Association of Women Friends – Association des Femmes Amies in French) offers solutions for women and children in difficulty. The group has premises close to Cotonou Market where children are often employed by blacksmiths. Children are taught to read, enjoy cultural activities and are informed about their rights by an AFA youth worker.

The group works to combat child trafficking by identifying villages where trafficking is happening, raising awareness amongst children and by training youth workers in the villages.

The group also runs information sessions for women on human rights, health, hygiene and environmental protection.

To fund these activities, the group has a farm, cereal bank, bakery and a second-hand store where the training is delivered. AFA also offers microcredit loans to women.

Key figures


  • 70 members of whom 70% are women
  • 2000 – 5000 loaves of bread produced each day
  • 495 microcredit loans extended to women in 2013
Areas of activity


  • Education
  • Fighting human trafficking
  • Agriculture




thumb AFA boulangerie thumb AFA Jeunes en formation Ze
thumb AFA Jeunes en formation Ze 2 thumb AFA PICT0050
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Tapestry from Benin