Emmaus International

Haarzuilens TriVetements

Eikstraat 14
NL-3455 SJ Haarzuilens

+31 (0)30 677 15 40
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Emmaus Haarzuilens, near Utrecht, is a community providing accommodation and work for 14 companions. The group’s accommodation is located in a former farmhouse. With help from 22 volunteers, the companions carry out the traditional work of Emmaus communities: collecting, sorting, repairing and selling goods at low prices. Emmaus Haarzuilens possesses two vans which it uses for its daily work. It also makes collections at waste sorting centres and collects clothing from clothes banks. The group recycles paper, cardboard, glass and metals, and has a skip for waste electrical and electronic equipment. Lastly, Emmaus Haarzuilens tends a small vegetable garden and supports initiatives run by Emmaus organisations in Peru and Chile.

key figures


  • 14 companions
  • 22 volunteers
  • 1 second-hand shop
areas of activity


  • Housing
  • Recycling and reuse




thumb Haarzuilens BalledeChiffons thumb Haarzuilens Chine
thumb Haarzuilens Compagnon

thumb Haarzuilens Ramassage Conteneur
thumb Haarzuilens TriVetements  
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