Emmaus International

thumb SEMUS cordonnerie

BP 46
YAKO Ouagadougou
Burkina Faso

Tél : +226 24 54 01 78
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SEMUS (Solidarity and Mutual Aid in the Sahel – Solidarité et Entraide Mutuelle au Sahel, in French) encourages farmers to join cooperatives to optimise their yields.

A market gardeners’ cooperative made up of 120 members, including 37 women, has been running in Ouonon since 2010. The group is also actively involved in the fight against AIDS, carries out prevention work, encourages voluntary screening and covers the healthcare costs of the sick.

Since 2000, SEMUS has also been supporting orphans and vulnerable children. In one year, the group sponsored or provided schooling for more than 400 children and 70 were given respite care. Milk, flour and medicine are distributed for orphans and malnourished and abandoned children.

These initiatives receive financial support from the second-hand shop, which is supplied with goods sent by container from Europe, the accommodation centre and small-scale dairy which also provides employment for people in the region.

Key figures


  • 38 staff members
  • 6 volunteers
  • a 25-hectare market gardeners’ cooperative
Areas of activity


  • Education
  • Agriculture
  • Healthcare




thumb Semus P1010768 thumb Semus pharmacie
thumb Semus PICT2850 thumb SEMUS cordonnerie
other emmaus organisations in this country:


material produced by SEMUS:


Presentation - SEMUS - 2011 (in French)