Emmaus International

thumb Buenaventura ninos de la fundacion

Avenida Simón Bolívar 34/61, Calle 6
Valle del Cauca

+57 2241 20 75
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Since 2009, Emmaus Buenaventura has been providing daytime care for children with learning difficulties. They aim to provide relief for their families but also to make sure that the children are not shut up at home while their parents are at home while their parents are at work, or mistreated.

The Emmaus Buenaventura initiative is the only one of its type in the area. The 15 children, aged 3 to 10, are cared for by group leaders and by volunteers. One day per week, local teachers and healthcare professionals (doctors, social workers, psychologists, etc.) come to spend time with the children.

As for other areas of activity, in 2007, local drug smugglers forced the group to put an end to its fund-raising activities at the shipyards. As a result, the possibility of setting up a transit site for goods being transported to Buenaventura's port is being considered. The aim is to find a way for the group to raise its own funds.

Key figures


  • 15 children with learning difficulties aged 3-10 are looked after
Areas of activity


  • Health
  • Education




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thumb Buenaventura 1 thumb Buenaventura Salon
thumb Buenaventura ninos de la fundacion  
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