Emmaus International

thumb Piura tapissier

Mz. "X" Lote 08 Zona Industrial II

+51 73 33 60 40
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The main area of activity of the 70 Emmaus Piura companions is collecting cardboard, newspapers, plastic bags, etc. By recycling these materials, they are helping to protect the environment and raising funds to support their work in the community.

The Emmaus Piura nursery school, recognised by the Peruvian minister for education, has been educating children who otherwise wouldn't be able to go to school for more than ten years.

Its "Casa del Juego" (Play House), which 35 children attend every day, opened its doors in 2008. As for other areas of activity, since 2005, the Piura community's physical therapy centre has been providing treatment for an average 1,150 patients per month.

These patients pay according to their means. Emmaus Piura has also been supporting vulnerable women for over twenty years, as well as offering practical solutions to those facing extreme poverty, promoting social justice and running a second-hand goods shop.

Key figures


  • 90 women take part in the professional training workshops every year
  • 13,800 people were treated at the physical therapy centre in 2013
Areas of activity


  • Recycling and reuse
  • Education
  • Health




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thumb Piura 3 thumb Piura 4
thumb Piura tapissier
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