Emmaus International

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BP 324 Goma
Democratic Republic of the Congo

+225 31 63 88 12
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CAJED (Concerted Action for Disadvantaged Young People and Children – Concert d’actions pour jeunes et enfants défavorisés in French) has made education its priority.

The group has 800 children between the ages of 6 and 17 in its primary and secondary schools or in vocational training. They are children whose family relationships have broken down, who are in conflict with the law, or who have been displaced.

The group also identifies child soldiers and takes them in at its transit and guidance centre (CTO), whilst their families are searched for so they can be put back in contact. The organisation also helps up to 860 children living in rural or isolated areas by referring them to suitable schools or vocational training organisations and covering their school fees. In addition, since 2012 25 groups of young people trained by CAJED and 25 groups of underprivileged families have benefitted from microcredit loans.

Depending on their projects, the amounts loaned range from 50$ to 400$, enabling them to develop income-generating activities and become financially independent.

Key figures
  • 800 young people at school or in training
  • 50 groups benefitting from microcredit loans
Areas of activity


  • Education
  • Ethical finance




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