Emmaus International

thumb ESO eleves atelier couture

02 BP 5250
Burkina Faso

+226 25 43 64 07
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ESO (Emmaus Solidarity Ouga – Emmaus Solidarité Ouga in French) provides training in many different areas. A trainer from the group provides training on farming technique for peasant farmers in two villages.

A tailor works at the dress-making centre, enabling young people to find work after a three-year course. Mechanics and repairs workshops take on interns and offer services to the wider community. To pay for these training activities and to create jobs, ESO offers travellers somewhere to stay at its accommodation centre. Nearby, a refreshment stall, as well as sceptic tank cleaning services and table, chair and tarpaulin hire al help keep the group afloat.

The group also provides learning support, sponsors disadvantaged children and runs a second-hand shop supplied with goods sent by European groups by shipping container. Lastly, it is also developing a microcredit loan service.

Key figures


  • Accommodation with capacity for 17 people
  • 3 classes of 20 children at the dress-making centre
  • 2 permanent staff at the refreshment stall.
Areas of activity


  • Education
  • Agriculture
  • Accommodation




thumb ESO location materiel thumb ESO pharmacie
thumb ESO thumb ESO eleves atelier couture
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