Emmaus International

We can no longer accept repressive and coercive policies that lead to exclusion, poverty, human rights violations and deaths by the thousand. Emmaus fights to ensure that people can live dignified lives and that there is access to the same rights for all, including freedom of movement, which is enshrined in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


paix nos campagnes

Join our campaigns and collective initiatives!

  • The Article 13 campaign to defend freedom of movement and settlement
  • The Organisation for Universal Citizenship (OUC) proposes: to create a universal citizenship passport, to launch an international conference on migrations, to start a process for a new international treaty on migrations and to build a network of countries committed to a new migration policy and to welcoming migrants.
  • The 'Citizen's Outburst' campaign, led in spring 2017, promoted a snap-shot of initiatives for welcoming and supporting migrants in France.


paix emmaus engage

The movement has been committed to the struggle for migrants' rights for many years now

  • By fighting alongside undocumented workers since the 1990s in Europe and Africa
  • By publishing 'A Visa for the World' – 2009: a collective book that underscores the need for a change of direction on migration and legitimises our demand for the free movement of peoples.
  • 'Migration and Human Trafficking' campaign, 2003-2007
  • 'Migrants, Not Slaves!' campaign, 2006-2008
  • Commitment against the 'crime of solidarity', beginning in 2007
  • 'Bridges, Not Walls' campaign, 2008
  • 'No to the “Wall of Shame” in Calais' demonstration, 2014
  • Demonstration in Paris to denounce the deaths of migrants at sea and inhumane migration policies, 2015.