Emmaus International

thumb St Francis IMAG1405

P.O.B. 44
ME-04431 East Orland
United Stats

Tél : +1 20 74 69 30 18

Located in Maine, the St-Francis Community works closely with its neighbour, Emmaus HOME, which is only 15 km away. St-Francis Community provides single women and families with short-stay accommodation until they find long-term housing. The group also lets 13 families keep their caravans on their land and provides them with free water and electricity.

The group also raises livestock and grows vegetables for its own use and to sell on local markets. Most of the companions take part in Emmaus HOME’s income-generating activities, which help keep the community running. Lastly, the St-Francis Community campaigns for responsible forest management and supports a village in Guatemala.

Key figures


  • 24 companions
  • 13 families living on the group’s land
Areas of activity


  • Shelter
  • Agriculture
  • Housing




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thumb St Francis IMAG1405  
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