Emmaus International

thumb Kudumbam Dr Nammalvar sowing seeds village nursery

17 Highways Colony
620020 TRICHY

Tel.: +91 43 12 33 18 J15642
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Kudumbam is part of LEISA, a network that campaigns for organic agriculture, made up of 82 NGOs and 50 000 farmers. Aware of the changes caused by globalisation and the Green Revolution led by India since its independence, the group is campaigning for responsible water usage and a return to traditional agricultural techniques.

The group aims to maintain soil quality for future generations. On its organic farm, named ‘Kolunji’, traditional varieties of vegetables and pulses are cultivated by the staff and farmers who go to receive training there. After 30 years of training at Kudumbam, 500 farmers have received “organic farming” certification. The group is also involved in ecotourism, with over 140 travellers having stayed at Kolunji.

Lastly, since 1982, Kudumbam has also been defending women’s rights through offering them training and helping them back into education.

Key figures


  • 300 different species of tree at Kolunji
  • 70% of organic farming trainers are women
Areas of activity


  • Agriculture
  • Ecotourism
  • Women’s rights




thumb Kudumbam Farmers preparing traditional food thumb Kudumbam IMG 1483
thumb Kudumbam reu village2 thumb Kudumbam travaux eau 3
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