Emmaus International

thumb ALDP formation photo

4e avenue n°44
Quartier Ngozi
Commune urbaine de Kinama B.P 2724 Bujumbura 1

+257 79 96 00 62
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A great deal of infrastructure and housing was destroyed during the civil war that hit Burundi from 1993 to 2005. ALDP (Association to fight crime and poverty – Association de lutte contre la délinquance et la pauvreté in French) was formed during the conflict and set up a carpentry workshop to supply people living in the northern areas of Bujumbara with wood so they wouldn’t have to travel too far.

Carpentry training is provided there by four trainers. Groups of 20 local people at a time can also receive training in IT, cutting and sewing. ALDP has also set up an Emmaus school with three classes at nursery, primary and secondary school (IT section) levels. Another of the organisation’s missions is to identify and supervise street children.

The Auberge de l’espérance (Hostel of Hope) has been accommodating them since 2013. All members have the opportunity to take part in sporting, cultural and civic activities.

Key figures


  • 37 staff members
  • 20 volunteers
  • 25 children accommodated at the Auberge de l’espérance
Areas of activity


  • Education
  • Handicraft/Fair trade




thumb ALDP distri pygmes 2006 thumb ALDP formation menuiserie
thumb ALDP panneau thumb ALDP formation photo