Emmaus International

thumb HOME volunteers 041

P.O.B. 10
United States

+1 20 74 69 79 61
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Emmaus HOME (Homeworkers Organized for More Employment) runs several income-generating activities. The group has a second hand shop and provides a variety of low cost services (lumberyard, car repair, etc.) for the local population.

HOME also does weaving and hand crafts ceramic, leather and glassware in its workshops, which were set up in 1970. It then sells these items in its different stores. HOME grows fruit, vegetables and spices at the community, which it sells at local markets. The group uses this additional income source to tackle homelessness, which is a problem in the region.

At its six centres, the group provides short and long stay accommodation for people facing homelessness. It also builds affordable homes for poor families.

HOME also has a kindergarten which cares for the handicraft workers’ children, provides classes for its companions in Spanish, writing and painting, helps migrants with paperwork, and donates food to local organisations and poor families.

Key figures


  • 50 homes built so far
  • 12 children cared for in the kindergarten
Areas of activity


  • Shelter
  • Housing
  • Handicraft/fair trade




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thumb HOME sandy claudia Tammy thumb HOME DSCN1222
thumb HOME volunteers 041  
other emmaus organisations in this country:


material produced by Emmaus HOME:


Annual report 2012