Emmaus International


Rua das Magnolias 730
Cidade Alegria
27525121 RESENDE RJ

+55 (24) 33599042
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Located in the state of Rio de Janeiro, the working community Emmaus Esperança e Vida de Resende (Emmaus Hope and Life in Resende) comprises about 10 companions. Since 2007, the community has been offering educational support to more than 100 children aged 3 to 12.

The teachers, all of whom are volunteers, offer learning support, IT workshops, and sporting and artistic activities. There are also literacy classes for local adults. Furthermore, the community supports other educational institutions by donating food and organising joint cultural and sporting activities.

As for other areas of activity, every day, companions collect vegetables, basic foods and other goods from local shops. The food collected is used to provide meals for the children or is given to underprivileged families. Twice a week, companions collect unwanted goods from local homes. These goods are used to supply the second-hand goods shop, which holds mobile sales twice a month.

Key figures


  • 10 companions
  • more than 100 young people attend classes every day
Areas of activity


  • Recycling and reuse
  • Education
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