Emmaus International

thumb Parana 4

Avenida Almafuerte 1430

+54 343 4240430
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At the Emmaus Paraná community, used clothing, goods and materials are collected to be upcycled and resold in the second-hand goods shop. At the woodwork workshop, where young people can undertake training, second-hand goods are repaired so that they can be resold. Thanks to the funds raised by these activities, the group has been self-sufficient since 2005 and carries out a range of work in the community. For example, 4 public showers have been made available to local homeless people, who are also given clothing, blankets, breakfast and other support.

Emmaus Paraná is also involved in several local networks and works together with schools, health centres, local community organisations, children's hospitals, etc. The group donates some of the goods it collects to these organisations and offers them legal assistance, as well as offering social services for those in difficulty.

Key figures


  • 25 companions
  • 2,300m2 of work space, 4 public showers
  • support for 40 homeless people over the winter
Areas of activity


  • Recycling and reuse
  • Health




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thumb Parana 4  
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