Emmaus International

Key figures
41 emergencies have been responded to over the past 10 years thanks to solidarity between the movement’s organisations.

If a member organisation has to deal with an emergency, such as a fire or natural disaster, Emmaus organisations worldwide are called on to lend financial or material support in solidarity with them.

Member organisations also regularly contribute to a fund that is drawn on specifically for emergencies.


In 2013
thumb 140911 Organiser solidarites urgences
  • CPSS, Cameroon: fire at the organisation’s palm oil mill, February 2013
  • Emmaus San Agustín, Peru: fire at the warehouse and carpentry workshop, November 2013
  • Emmaus Björka in Sweden sent an appeal to the whole movement to support Syrian refugees. Twenty-six Emmaus organisations responded, raising €23,500.


a closer look…
thumb urgences focus cpps

Rebuilding after a fire

Located in Mom-Dibang in Cameroon, CPSS’s* main activity is agriculture. It cultivates a 7-hectare palm grove and produces palm oil. In February 2013, a fire damaged the roof and oil mill equipment. The organisation then decided to call on the Emmaus movement for material and financial assistance.

€2,500 given by the Africa region and Emmaus International enabled the group to replace the damaged equipment (two oil presses, 100 oil containers, 10 metal and plastic barrels) and rebuild the warehouse so production could start up again after six months’ shutdown.
“For Emmaus, solidarity is all about sharing with the whole movement to make others stronger. We couldn’t do it alone", says Madeleine, Leader.

*Centre for Health and Social Care