Emmaus International

thumb Recife 1

Rua Mamede Coelho, 53
52140-180 RECIFE

+55 81 345 12247
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Of the 26 companions who make up the Recife community, 20 work in the second-hand goods shop. The community's workshops, including electronics and IT workshops, allow companions to give the goods a new lease of life. They are sold on at low prices, on average 80% lower than in mainstream shops. In addition to the local second-hand goods shop, the community takes part in mobile book sales, which are organised in collaboration with the Federal University of Pernambuco.

Emmaus Recife also collects used paper, plastic and metal, which are then sold on to recycling companies. The funds raised from these activities go to the Luis Tenderini school, which offers vocational training to about 100 young people from the local area for free, in areas such as electricity, refrigeration, electronics and IT. Finally, in 2003, Emmaus Recife bought and renovated a house, which is now used as a health station, where health professionals provided by Recife city council work in the community. They provide healthcare to 1,500 families living in deprived areas of Recife.

Key figures


  • 26 companions
  • about 100 people receiving training each year at the Luis Tenderini school
Areas of activity


  • Recycling and reuse
  • Health
  • Education




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thumb Recife Instrutor Refrigeracao Ronaldo thumb Recife 1
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material produced by Trapeiros Emmaus Recife :