Emmaus International

Wageningen collecting goods

Herenstraat 9
NL-6701 DG Wageningen

+31 (0)31 742 21 40
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Seven companions and 15 volunteers work at Emmaus Wageningen, which carries out the traditional activities of Emmaus communities: collecting, sorting, repairing and selling goods at low prices. Collections are made in and around the city of Wageningen, in the centre of the Netherlands. The group’s second-hand shop is housed in a former infant school and is open on Wednesday and Saturday.

key figures


  • 7 companions
  • 15 volunteers
  • 1 second-hand shop
areas of activity


  • Recycling/reuse




thumb Wageningen 1 thumb Wageningen 2 companions
thumb Wageningen clothes department

thumb Wageningen collecting goods
thumb Wageningen outdoor sale  
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