Emmaus International

thumb San agustin AREA CERRAJERIA

Avenida Guardia Civil Nº 565
Urb. La Campiña
Lima 9

+51 1 467 05 77
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San Agustín is unusual in that its companions are relatively young (between 18 and 40). They live and work at the group’s two sites, in Chorrillos and Comas, in the province of Lima. The group’s main area of activity is second-hand goods: companions collect, sort and repair unwanted goods, then sell them on. They have access to workshops, where they can repair goods while learning skills such as soldering, electronics, bicycle repair and woodwork.

In addition to this work, young companions study. The San Agustín pays some of the costs and sets aside time for companions to work on their studies. As for other areas of activity, the group responds to emergency appeals every Thursday, takes part in the national Wawa Wasi programme (supporting children aged 1 to 4) and works with local soup kitchens and medical centres.

Finally, several times a year, the group travels to the coldest parts of the sierra to give out warm clothing that they have collected.

Key figures


  • 40 companions
  • 4 workshops
Areas of activity


  • Recycling and reuse
  • Education




thumb San agustin AREA PATIO thumb San Agustin BAZAR COCINA
thumb San Agustin REPARANDO ARTEFACTOS thumb San Agustin UN DIA DE VENTA
thumb San agustin AREA CERRAJERIA
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