Emmaus International

justice agissions mutuelle sante

Mutual Health Schemes

Several thousand people organised to build mutual health systems to ensure access to healthcare for people in 4 countries (since the year 2000 in Benin and Burkina Faso and since 2007 in Bangladesh and India). These schemes are managed by Emmaus groups and the local communities who also lead activities to educate people on the topic of health.


justice agissons recyclage

Recycling Urban Waste

In 5 Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Uruguay) the Emmaus groups were involved in developing a programme for urban waste. They were thus able to strengthen economic independence and contribute towards limiting pollution linked to excessive production and consumption as well as starting activities to educate people about the environment.


justice agissons nokoue

Access to Water

In Benin, in the Lake Nokoué region, Emmaus has helped almost 90,000 people access both drinking water and basic sanitation infrastructure. The programme also provides training and support for the local community in their efforts to organise a collective, citizen-led management of this service and its infrastructure.