Emmaus International

Westervik 2

Haugesundsvägen  18 - FIN-10650

+358 (0)19 241 24 47
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Emmaus Westervik is a working group made up by four paid employees and 20 volunteers. They do traditional Emmaus community work: collecting, sorting, repairing and reselling donated goods at affordable prices. They also sell organic and Fair Trade products in their shop. Emmaus Westervik delivers vocational training to school pupils and the long-term unemployed in its workshops. The group’s income-generating activities enable it to provide practical and financial support to Emmaus M.A.R.S. in Togo, Thanapara Swallows in Bangladesh, Cuna Nazareth in Peru, the Polish Emmaus groups and the Missing Persons’ Families Support Centre in Lithuania.

key figures


  • Four paid employees
  • 20 volunteers
  • a second-hand shop
areas of activity


  • Recycling/reuse




thumb Westervik 1 thumb Westervik 2
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