Emmaus International

GTU vente artisanat 1

Skovvej 24 -
DK-9510 Arden

+45 98 56 29 94
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GTU is a small Danish group that has never had the logistical wherewithal needed to carry out the activities of a traditional Emmaus community.

The group sells handicraft goods produced by the Amataltal Cooperative, located in Niger, and the Emmaus organisations, Pag-la-Yiri in Burkina Faso, AFA in Benin, MARS in Togo and CPSS in Cameroon.

GTU also publishes a 16-page journal four times a year, providing information about Emmaus and development initiatives, particularly in French-speaking West African countries.

The group also participates in public debates by contributing to a Danish blog and social networks and by providing visitors with information at its handicraft exhibitions.

GTU has been working with the Amataltal Cooperative since 1995, sending parcels of clothing and school equipment and financing development initiatives.

key figures


  • 4 15kg parcels sent in 2016 to the Amataltal Cooperative
  • 2 15kg and 8kg parcels sent in 2016 to Emmaus Benebnooma, Burkina Faso.
  • Handicraft sales raised 5391 Euros in 2016
areas of activity


  • Handicraft and fair trade




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Other emmaus organisation in this country:


Material produced by Genvej til Udvikling:

The author is fully responsible for the content of these documents.


Research for the Poorest

A baobab has fallen

My African Idol
Goodbye to an adventurer
Italian fiery soul


The Fight for Water
The Toffin People – those who Suffer Most in Benin
Water All Around

The Danish Water


The merits of used objects
The Containers - Perspectives

Developing together

What are you waiting for Oxfam

A Goodbye to Growth
I have caught a white person.pdf
Equal procedures and social conventions
What is not mentioned
Power went to the South at Emmaus

Thorning’s Top Officials


Children Learn More when Taught in their Mother Tongue


The Dolls of Birni-n-Konni
How to Define Rebellion
A Patch Solution in Sahel

Civil society against lifetime presidency

Tapestry from Benin

Migration and Trafficking in Human Beings

Trafficked Women in Denmark

The right to come and go

We could build bridges instead of walls

Europe's refugees

Plea for the opening of the borders - Julien K.M. Murhula