Emmaus International

Straight to the source

Joffrin Carpentier, known as Jules, recounts his 37 years at Emmaus

Joffrin ‘Jules’ Carpentier, one of the first companions to join Emmaus in December 1952. The interview took place in 1989. Jules was invited to talk about the beginning of the Emmaus movement. He spoke about his own journey, what Emmaus meant to him and how it had changed his life.

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Straight to the source

Poster for the 30th anniversary of Emmaus San Luis (Chile)

The Emmaus International archives contain a large collection of posters - almost 815 original copies, not counting duplicates - from almost all the countries where the movement has developed. Their methodical filing is underway and will allow them to be digitised, so that they can be more easily consulted and used. Emmaus International looks at one of them.

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The Earth does not belong to us

In his book Testament, published in 1994, Abbé Pierre dedicated a chapter to the Earth, this “Earth which does not belong to us” but that we must look after. Far from being a pioneer in the field of ecology - as he himself admits in the text - Abbé Pierre nonetheless delivers his message, calling on humanity to preserve, halt and reverse the harm caused to the Earth. Almost 30 years later, this message is still relevant and a source of inspiration, as the environmental disaster gets worse.

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Straight to the source

Speech made by Abbé Pierre at the International Labour Office, Geneva (1955)

After his appeal in Winter 1954, Abbé Pierre embarked on a series of trips around the world to spread his message and his work. In 1955, he travelled to the United States where he met President Eisenhower, to whom he gave an autographed copy of the English translation of his book "Abbé Pierre and the ragpickers of Emmaus". Shortly after his return, he held a conference at the International Labour Office in Geneva to talk about this journey and to share his thoughts on the state of the world of work at the time and ways to improve it. These thoughts were informed by his recent travels. Here is the transcript of his speech.

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