Emmaus International

thumb VCDS Bricks transfered Kazhikuppam multipurpose community centre construction work

Vellakulam Kilsiviri Post
Brahmadesam Via
604 301 Tindivanam Taluk

Tel.: +91 4147 23 22 34
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VCDS’s main activity is supporting the untouchables, a social group that is still marginalised despite the abolition of the cast system in 1950.

The group puts on teacher-led sessions to help children with their homework, two and a half hours a day. Young adults can gain diplomas by attending workshops on sewing, computing and farming, opening up their possibilities of finding work.

VCDS also campaigns for women’s rights and for improvements in their financial status. That’s how 280 women have had houses built for them by the government and 16 have been elected onto municipal councils. VCDS also supports sustainable farming with its 4.5 hectare farm and training.

Lastly, the group offers legal aid to women, informs workers subjugated by their employers, supports disabled children and informs voters about their rights.

Key figures


  • Action in 60 villages
  • More than 1000 children received in its educational organisations since 1980
Areas of activity


  • Women’s rights
  • Education
  • Agriculture




thumb VCDS DSCN0674 thumb VCDS inde3 352
thumb VCDS inde divers 119 thumb VCDS Mutukadu women getting microcredit fish selling
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