Emmaus International

Fis protegees

Medjunarodni forum solidarnosti-Emmaus Duje BH-74207 Klokotnica, Doboj Istok
Bosnia and Herzegovina

+387 35 726 690
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In 1999, when Bosnia-Herzegovina was in the grip of war, of which civilians were the main victims, Emmaus International set up a temporary camp which later became permanent. Since 2005 the refugees have been re-housed, and the building is now used to accommodate over 400 people in difficulty or with a disability. They live on site and have access to a medical service and social welfare assistance. They also take part in agricultural activities and artisanal production (cheese, bread and jam-making, etc.)

At the site in Srebrenica, camps for young people from around the world have been run every year since 2006. A civil service centre was built there and since 2009 a variety of activities have been run with the young volunteers: humanitarian activities (distribution of food and clothes, etc.), accommodation for children during the school year in the centre in Srebrenica, a Day Centre for children and food aid for school children in the regions of Potočari and Pale. IFS also has several buildings in the country which it uses to accommodate undocumented persons and victims of trafficking.

It has three offices (Doboj Istok, Srebrenica and Sarajevo) and each of them has its own field of work.

Key figures


  • over 400 people in difficulty or with a disability (mental or physical) accommodated at Reception Center ‘Duje’
  • 110 young people received every year at the “International Youth Working Camp Srebrenica, Road to a New Europe” – Franco Bettoli.
Areas of activity


  • housing/shelter
  • fighting human trafficking
  • handicraft/fair trade.




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Fis handicapes Fis protegees