Emmaus International

Gloucestershire companion Peter D 131109

Chequers Road Gloucestershire GL4 6PN
United Kingdom

+44 (0)1452 55 11 46
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Emmaus Gloucester celebrated its 20th anniversary in March 2014. It all started in 1994 with the opening of a shop in Nailsworth, which was initially run by volunteers. Income from the shop was used to set up a community in 2003 on Chequers road in Gloucester. The 23 companions at the community carry out the usual work done by Emmaus communities: collecting, sorting through, repairing and selling goods at low prices at four different second-hand shops. Emmaus Gloucestershire supplies its shops by making collections and receiving donations, and with clothes collected at its drop-off points. Lastly, companions also get the chance to receive free training in health and safety, food hygiene and manual handling.

key figures


  • 23 companions
  • 4 second-hand shops
areas of activity


  • Housing
  • Recycling and reuse




thumb Gloucestershire clothes rail 131109 thumb Gloucestershire companion John Dowling 131109
thumb Gloucestershire companion John Foster 131109

thumb Gloucestershire companion Peter D 131109
thumb Gloucestershire companion Phyllis Kageni 131109  
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