Emmaus International


09 BP 335
Burkina Faso

+226 24 71 42 04
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Pag-la-Yiri means “the woman is the foundation of the home” in Mossi (an official regional language) and the group lives up to its name: its aim is to defend and promote women’s rights.

Women are given training in dressmaking, weaving and cloth dyeing and are informed about education, health and the environment. Since the rainy season makes travelling to information sessions impractical, Radio Pag-la-Yiri was set up in 2009 to raise awareness over the airwaves.

To finance their activities, the women are organised into communities, where they produce fruit and vegetables and farm livestock which is sold on the markets. The bakery, which runs on mixed energy sources (electricity and solar power), a soap-making factory and accommodation also generate income.

Pag-la-Yiri also does reforestation work, water and soil conservation, provides food aid, emergency relief to children and the sick, and uses its multimedia centre to promote IT skills.

Key figures


  • 10,272 members including 9317 women and 955 men
  • working in 200 villages in an area covering 60km in the Zabré region.
Areas of activity


  • Women’s rights
  • Agriculture
  • Handicraft and fair trade


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