Emmaus International

Glasgow community Ellesmere Street shop 140110

Emmaus House
101 Ellesmere Street Glasgow G22 5QT
United Kingdom

+44 (0)1413 53 39 03
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The 27 Emmaus Glasgow companions live in two accommodation blocks. They do traditional Emmaus community work: collecting, sorting, repairing and reselling donated goods at affordable prices in their three second-hand shops. Goods are worked on in the community’s bicycle repair and metal and wood recycling workshops. Emmaus Glasgow also offers an affordable gardening service comprising pruning, cutting and mowing. In 2009, Emmaus Glasgow also started to provide the soup kitchen for the homeless one night a week. In 2014, it was decided to do the soup run twice a week in light of the rise in poverty. Finally, the group works in partnership with other local homelessness charities, notably by distributing The Pavement Magazine, the monthly free magazine containing practical information for homeless people, and supports the water access project on Lake Nokoué in Benin and the Emmaus ISF group in Bosnia.

key figures


  • 27 companions
  • three second-hand stores
  • two accommodation blocks
areas of activity


  • Accommodation and support
  • Recycling and reuse.




thumb Glasgow companion Terry O Neill 140231 thumb Glasgow interior Dumbarton Rd shop 140131
thumb Glasgow Robbie Miller support worker portrait130110

thumb Glasgow community Ellesmere Street shop 140110
thumb Glasgow Stephen Lacey sands down chair 140110  
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