Emmaus International


"In civil and social matters as well as in our understanding of the collective and the community we should include the notions of common goods and fulfilment for each and every individual."
Abbé Pierre, ‘Une terre et des hommes’ (Just One Planet with People), 1956.
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In the Footsteps of Abbé Pierre…

Abbé Pierre was strongly committed to the struggle to house the most vulnerable. He actively participated in the fight against global hunger. He was heavily involved in the call to write off debt in the developing world and attended the 'assembly for the small people of the world', on the fringes of the G7 summit (1994).


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Our Values Guide Us

  • Respect for people and their dignity, and for their environment
  • Defending our fundamental rights
  • Unconditional welcome and struggling for a dignified life
  • Solidarity both internally and outside of the movement