Emmaus International

Like all organisations working for a fairer world, Emmaus International can only exist with your support. There are lots of ways you can get involved: you can make a donation of money or goods, join our team as a volunteer or intern, or help member organisations in your local area with their sales.

You can also support our campaigns and action for change – for justice and peace.

point of view
thumb 140922 simpliquer donner bénévole Madeleine

Madeleine Walter,
volunteer interpreter at Emmaus International

“As a retiree from the OECD, I’ve been a volunteer interpreter at Emmaus International since 2007, and it’s wonderful! We work with the staff interpreters at the meetings in Montreuil, France and at meetings elsewhere. I've had the opportunity of going to Lake Nokoué in Benin, which I’d heard such a lot about before I went. I also have very strong memories of the launch of the mutual healthcare scheme in Bangladesh in 2009. For the first time in my career as an interpreter, I was asked what I thought of it all! I fully support everything Emmaus International is working for, and there’s a great atmosphere – it really is an interesting place to volunteer.”


Abbé Pierre


“Come and take a look at what us good-for-nothings have managed to do with nothing!  Just imagine what we could do if you, who think you’re good for something, finally decided to do something yourselves.”Portrait de l'abbé Pierre