Emmaus International

pup 3
Khanik Niloy, Chalklokman, Bogra, Zip Code: 5800, Bangladesh

Tél : (+88) 051 65703
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Pollee Unnyon Prokolpo (PUP, Rural Development Project) was founded in 1986. It is an NGO located in the Province of Rajshahi, northern Bangladesh. It focuses on handicrafts and fair trade. Handicrafts allow young people and women from poor backgrounds to develop their skills and become more financially self-sufficient, while safeguarding traditional know-how.

What is more, PUP also carries out awareness-raising campaigns in order to make sure that people know what their rights are in society. The campaigns tackle early marriage, domestic violence, the dowry system, alcoholism and smoking. The NGO is regularly involved in campaigns tackling violence against women and children in order to influence public policies. PUP fosters gender equality by actively involving women in decision-making  processes and in governance within its organisation.Moreover, PUP offers training to poor/landless craftspeople and young people in order to boost their employment prospects.

PUP is part of the struggles for social and environmental justice and the ethical and solidarity economy led by Emmaus International.
