Emmaus International

Swallows at World Village Festival

Mäkelänkatu 54 A
FIN-00510 Helsinki

+358 (0)45 138 90 62
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Swallows of Finland is a group which provides long-term support for projects run by non-governmental organisations in the South. For 50 years, the group has been supporting day care centres run by Emmaus Cuna Nazareth in Lima, Peru. Since 2011, Swallows of Finland has also been supporting a new recycling centre run by Cuna Nazareth, located in Pachacamac, in partnership with three other Finnish Emmaus groups. The Swallows also work with Indian organisations such as the Self-Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) which fights for the rights of Adivasi and Dalit women – the most marginalised women in Indian society.
In order to support these organisations, Swallows of Finland receives subsidies from the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, receives donations, sells artisanal goods made in India and Peru and puts on events for the general public.

Key figures


  • 15 volunteers
  • 1 staff member
  • 180 members and donors.
Areas of activity


  • Education
  • Women’s rights




thumb Swallows at World Village Festival thumb Swallows DSCN4384
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