Emmaus International

thumb Amor e justicia 3

Rua Tomaz Gonzaga, 226
Bairro Cristo Redentor 
60-337-300 Fortaleza

+55 85 32 86 51 80
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Located in the shanty town of Pirambú, Emmaus Amor e Justiça (Emmaus Love and Justice) owes its existence to Airton Barreto, a lawyer who defended the poor in Fortaleza.

Ever since it was established in 1994, this community has focussed on education. 100 children from the shanty town attend its "Casa do Saber" (House of Knowledge) every day. For those aged 6 to 14, two teachers are employed by the community to provide learning support and to organise artistic and cultural activities.

Furthermore, the community has been able to offer the services of an educational psychologist since 2009. As for young people aged 14 to 18, they have the opportunity to follow educational or vocational courses (English, science, IT, etc.).

The Casa do Saber also arranges workshops for local adults on areas including literacy, IT and recycling awareness. Emmaus Amor e Justiça raises funds for its educational work through its second-hand goods shop, which sells goods refurbished at its woodwork and electronics workshops every Saturday.

Key figures


  • 60 companions
  • 100 young people attending the Casa do Saber every day
Areas of activity


  • Housing
  • Recycling and reuse
  • Education




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thumb Amor e justicia atelier art thumb Amor e justicia ecole
thumb Amor e justicia therapie thumb Amor e justicia 3
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